The 5 am morning routine is being hailed as the ultimate morning routine of successful people, particularly billionaires. This kind of morning routine differs from other morning routines since it is based on the book The 5 a.m. Club by Robin Sharma. Read here what the 5 a.m. morning routine entails and how to adapt your own version!
What is the 5 am morning routine?
The 5 am morning routine is based on the book The 5 a.m. Club by Robin Sharma. This morning routine doesn´t just tell you to take different steps; it follows the so-called 20/20/20 rule. This means the first hour of your day should be sectioned into three 20-minute parts:
20 minutes of exercising
20 minutes of reflecting
20 minutes of learning
Starting at 5 a.m. is supposed to let you do your morning routine in peace. At this hour, it is less likely that you will get distracted by, e.g., work emails, notifications, etc., and you can focus 100% on yourself.
What are the benefits of the 5 am morning routine?
Following the 5 am morning routine should boost your health, happiness, creativity, success, and productivity.
What is the 5 am club morning schedule?
This is a rough schedule to join the club of successful people and billionaires:
Step 1 of the 5 am morning routine: Exercise for 20 minutes
According to the 5 am morning routine, a workout should start your day. Since most gyms might still be closed then, you can do a home workout. Working out in the morning can boost your energy, mood, and metabolism throughout the day.
Step 2 of the 5 am morning routine: Reflect for 20 minutes
After the workout, you should meditate, journal, and reflect on your goals for the next 20 minutes. One benefit of journaling is it can help you achieve your goals by monitoring your progress and, therefore, motivate you.
Step 3 of the 5 am morning routine: Learn for 20 minutes
To finish the 5 am morning routine, you should learn a new skill you are interested in, listen to a podcast, or read. This is supposed to help you focus for the rest of the day.
Sticking to a morning routine can lead to a more productive day. Trying the 5 am morning routine doesn´t necessarily mean you have to get up at 5 a.m. Just getting up earlier, one hour than usual, can be a start. Do you wanna learn about other lifestyle topics? Why don´t you check the other blog posts out?