Tattoo Aftercare – How to Keep Your Fresh Ink Looking Sharp!

Tattoo Aftercare – How to Keep Your Fresh Ink Looking Sharp!

Tattoo Aftercare – How to Keep Your Fresh Ink Looking Sharp!
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You decided to get some new ink, and now you MUST take proper aftercare of your new piece of art. First of all, congratulations on your new tattoo! Proper aftercare is crucial for maintaining crisp lines and vibrant colors, whether it’s your first or fiftieth. Find here the ultimate tattoo aftercare guide to ensure your fresh ink heals beautifully and stands the test of time!

Tattoo Aftercare 1. The First 24 Hours: Locking in Your Art

Leave the Bandage On!

Your artist will cover your tattoo with a bandage or plastic wrap. Keep it on for at least 2-4 hours or as recommended by your artist. This protects your new ink from bacteria and airborne particles & is the first step in your tattoo aftercare.

Wash Gently

After removing the bandage, wash your hands thoroughly. Then, using a mild, fragrance-free soap/tattoo aftercare soap and lukewarm water, gently clean your tattoo. Pat it dry with a clean paper towel, or let it air dry.

Why Fresh Tattoos are Prone to Infection

Fresh tattoos are essentially open wounds, making them particularly vulnerable to infection. Here are some reasons why fresh tattoos are so prone to infection:

#1 Open Wound

Nature of Tattooing

The tattooing process involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with needles to deposit the ink. This creates multiple tiny wounds that are open to the environment.

Exposure to Bacteria

These open wounds provide a direct entry point for bacteria and other pathogens, increasing the risk of infection.

#2 Weakened Skin Barrier

Compromised Skin Integrity

The skin’s natural barrier function is compromised after tattooing, making it less effective at keeping out harmful microorganisms.

Inflammation and Swelling

The body’s initial response to the tattooing process includes inflammation and swelling, which can further weaken the skin’s ability to protect itself.

#3 Healing Environment

Moist Conditions

The moist environment created by ointments and bandages can sometimes promote bacterial growth if not managed properly.

Sweat and Friction

Excessive sweating and friction from clothing can introduce bacteria to the tattooed area and disrupt the healing process.

#4 External Contaminants

Unclean Hands

Touching your fresh tattoo with unwashed hands can transfer bacteria to the open wounds.

Contaminated Surfaces

Contact with contaminated surfaces or objects, such as towels or bedding, can introduce pathogens to the tattooed area.

#5 Aftercare Missteps

Improper Cleaning

Not cleaning the tattoo properly can leave behind bacteria and other contaminants.


Applying too much ointment can create a breeding ground for bacteria.

Ignoring Artist’s Instructions

Failing to follow aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist can lead to improper healing and an increased risk of infection.

Tattoo Aftercare Infection Prevention Tips

To reduce the risk of infection, follow these guidelines:

Tattoo Aftercare Hygiene and Cleaning

Wash Hands

Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your tattoo

Clean Gently

Use tattoo aftercare soap and lukewarm water to gently clean your tattoo. Pat dry with a clean paper towel or let it air dry.

Tattoo Aftercare Aftercare Products

Use Recommended Ointments

Apply a thin layer of a tattoo-specific ointment or fragrance-free moisturizer as directed by your tattoo artist.

Avoid Over-Moisturizing

Apply the ointment sparingly to avoid creating a moist environment that can promote bacterial growth.

Tattoo Aftercare Avoid Contaminants

Wear Loose Clothing

Choose loose, breathable fabrics that won’t rub against your tattoo.

Keep It Covered

Protect your tattoo from dirt, dust, and other contaminants, especially in the first few days.

Tattoo Aftercare Environmental Precautions

Avoid Submersion

Don’t submerge your tattoo in water (baths, pools, hot tubs) until it’s fully healed.

Stay Away from Direct Sunlight

Protect your tattoo from the sun by keeping it covered or using a high-SPF tattoo aftercare sunscreen once it’s healed.

Follow the Artist’s Instructions!

Listen to Your Artist: Follow all aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of infection.

Tattoo Aftercare: Be aware of the signs of infection

As mentioned above, tattoos are basically open wounds, so there are some signs to see if it got infected.

How to Recognizing Infections:

  • Increased Redness and Swelling: Some redness and swelling are normal, but it should gradually decrease. If it gets worse, it could be a sign of infection.
  • Pain and Heat: An infected tattoo may be painful and feel hot to the touch.
  • Pus or Discharge: Yellow or green pus is a clear sign of infection.
  • Fever or Chills: Systemic symptoms like fever and chills can indicate a more serious infection.

Tattoo Aftercare 2. The Initial Healing Phase: Days 2-14


Apply a thin layer of tattoo-specific ointment or a fragrance-free moisturizer. Do this 2-3 times a day. Avoid over-applying; too much moisture can suffocate the tattoo and promote bacteria growth.

Avoid Direct Water Contact

While showering is fine, avoid soaking your tattoo in baths, pools, or hot tubs. Excess moisture can impede healing and cause infections.

Wear Loose Clothing

Tight clothes can rub against your tattoo and irritate the skin. Opt for loose, breathable fabrics that won’t stick to your fresh ink.

Tattoo Aftercare 3. Mid-Healing Phase: Days 15-30

Watch for Peeling and Itching

It’s normal for your tattoo to peel and flake like a sunburn. Do not pick at the flakes. Apply moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and reduce itchiness.

The next tattoo care step is one of the most important: UV/sun protection!

Why Sun Protection is Important for Tattoo Aftercare

  • Prevent Fading: UV rays can break down the ink particles in your tattoo, causing colors to fade over time.
  • Avoid Irritation: AGAIN: fresh tattoos are open wounds. Exposure to the sun can cause redness, swelling, and irritation.
  • Ensure Proper Healing: Sun exposure can prolong healing times and increase the risk of complications like infections.

Stay Out of the Sun

UV rays can damage a healing tattoo, causing fading and irritation. If you must be outside, cover your tattoo with clothing or use a high-SPF, tattoo-safe sunscreen.

Avoid Tanning Beds

Tanning beds emit concentrated UV rays that can significantly damage your tattoo and increase the risk of skin cancer.

Wear Protective Clothing

Wear UV-protective clothing when you know you’ll be in the sun for extended periods. Many brands offer stylish options that are also sun-safe.

Daily Use

Make sunscreen a part of your daily routine, even on cloudy days. UV rays can penetrate clouds and still cause damage.

Cover Up

For the first few weeks, it’s best to completely avoid sun exposure. Wear loose, breathable clothing that covers your tattoo. This is the safest way to protect it while it’s healing.

Stay in the Shade

If you’re outdoors, try to stay in shaded areas as much as possible. Use umbrellas, hats, or other items to keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight.

Tattoo Aftercare 4. Long-Term Care: Post-Healing and Beyond

Hydrate Your Skin

Keep your tattoo looking fresh by regularly moisturizing your skin, even after it has fully healed. There are some great lotions/moisturizers that are specially made for tattoos!

Drink Enough Water

As mentioned above, to keep your ink looking fresh, you need to moisturize your skin. Not just from the outside but from the inside as well. It is so important for your skin and overall health to drink enough water!

Avoid Prolonged Sun Exposure

UV rays are the number one enemy of vibrant tattoos. Always use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when your tattoo is exposed to the sun. The good news is that some sunscreens are made for tatted skin. 

Stay Healthy

Your overall health affects your skin’s appearance. Stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep your tattoo in top shape.

Tattoo Aftercare: Tips and Warnings

  • Do Not Scratch: If your tattoo itches, resist the urge to scratch. Tap lightly if you must, or apply a cool compress.
  • Avoid Heavy Exercise: For the first week or two, avoid activities that cause excessive sweating or friction on your tattoo.
  • Consult Your Artist: If you notice signs of infection (redness, swelling, pus), contact your tattoo artist or a healthcare professional immediately!

Take Away Tattoo Aftercare

Caring for a new tattoo might seem like a lot of work, but the effort is worth it. Proper aftercare ensures that your tattoo heals correctly, preserving the artwork you’ve chosen to carry with you for a lifetime. Follow these steps, listen to your body, and enjoy your new ink!