Menstrual Cup Size – An Easy Guide to Choosing the Right Cup!

Menstrual Cup Size – An Easy Guide to Choosing the Right Cup!

how to choose menstrual cup size
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In addition to different sizes of clothes, shoes, etc., there are also different menstrual cup sizes. Because everybody is different, there are some things to consider when choosing the right menstrual cup. Read here what you should look for when selecting and how to find the right menstrual cup for your body.

How to Choose Your Menstrual Cup Size

There are different menstrual cup sizes for different body types. For example, a virgin needs a different menstrual cup than a woman who has already had children:

Menstrual Cup Size for Young Girls, Virgins, and Beginners

Since virgins and young girls have firmer vaginal muscles, cups smaller in diameter and length are the best menstrual cup size in this case.

Menstrual Cup Size for women who have not yet had children

A medium-sized cup is the best choice for active women who have not yet had children. A wider cup could leak because the firm, strong vaginal muscles can squeeze it.

Tip: If the stem bothers you, you can carefully cut it off. Of course, you should be careful not to damage the cup.

Menstrual Cup Size for women who had children

A softer and wider cup is the best choice for women who have given birth. A smaller cup could slip or leak because the vaginal muscles are less tight than before childbirth.

Menstrual Cup Size for women with low cervix

A shorter cup is best for women with a low cervix. A longer cup may stick out, could be felt, or leak.

Finding the right menstrual cup size is important to provide 100% leak-free protection!

Menstrual Cup Size for women with high cervix

A longer cup is best for women with a high cervix. A shorter cup might slip up, and it might be difficult to take it out later.

If you are still unsure which menstrual cup size is right for you, visiting your gynecologist can help you determine which type or size is right for you.

Do you know how to fold your menstrual cup properly?

Can Virgins use a Menstrual Cup?

Yes, virgins can use menstrual cups. You can even use them from your first period. Since the vaginal muscles are tighter in virgins, insertion can initially be a bit complicated. Therefore, it can be helpful to use a suitable model for virgins or young girls.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to insert your menstrual cup!


Period cups are a great alternative to traditional period products. If you find the right menstrual cup for you, it can provide reliable protection. With the proper care, it can even last for decades. Check out our other blog posts if you’d like other lifestyle tips.